Chocolate Chips Cup Cheesecake 巧克力芝士杯蛋糕
材料: 350克 奶油芝士 80克 细砂糖 2粒 鸡蛋 100克 淡味奶油 2小匙 蜀粉 40克 巧克力(刨碎) 适量 巧克力粒(装饰用) 做法: 1。预热烤箱180度 2。将奶油芝士和糖搅拌成软滑,逐粒蛋加入,拌匀。 3。加入淡味奶油,蜀粉和巧克力碎,拌匀。 4。把芝士糊舀入杯中,撒上巧克力粒,盛入烤箱烘越15-20分钟至熟。 5。取出待冷却,放入冰箱冷藏。 Ingredients 1.350g Cream Cheese 2.80g Caster Sugar 3. 2 Eggs 4.100g Whipping Cream 5. 2 tsp Corn Flour 6. 40g Grated Chocolate 7..50g Chocolate Chips (For Decor) Method 1. Preheat oven to 180c. 2. Beat cream cheese & sugar until soft & smooth.Add in eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. 3. Stir in whipping cream, corn flour & grated chocolate, mix well. 4. Spoon cheese mixture in the cups. Sprinkle chocolate chips on top. Bake for 15-20 mins or until cook. 5. Remove and leave to cool. Refrigerate before serving.